Sunday, May 23, 2010

What a 3rd last weekend in VA!

With a thousands things going on in our lives right now, we took a break from it all this weekend.
Saturday we surprised the kids with a trip to Busch Gardens Europe. While we were in line getting tickets and received a call from friends who were there too. It was a long fun filled day with five kids and four adults. I'm still not sure who had more fun! Surprisingly we didn't have any fights, meltdowns(except when Alex and Lily were told they were to little for certain rides), lost kids, or anything else terrible happen. Now they did have to stop the little airplane ride so I could get Ainsley off! She was so happy until the second that ride started. I was afraid she was going to jump out! Ainsley must have been my little trouble maker that day. We were in Dragon land and I took off her shirt so she could play in the water. I was told since she was a girl I needed to put her shirt back on. Wow at 18 months! I seem to remember a picture of me and my cousin Lauren in a zoo with no shirts on at a young age. I guess things are very different now.
Sunday we woke up dreading the packing of suitcases for us to live out of for the next 3-4 weeks.... so we didn't do it! We ate a yummy breakfast, filled up the water bottles, and pulled out the bikes. Alena still uses training wheels and we've been saying we would teach her to ride with out them and have not. I knew it wouldn't take her long once she realized she would be OK if she fell. After her second fall she kinda had the hang of it. I am so proud of her! The training wheels are not trash yet, but hopefully soon.
The Rich's had us over for a delicious BBQ dinner. It was a little sad to watch ours kids say goodbye to each other. Last time we moved Alena only had one friend to say goodbye to. Now we have three children and have made friends with so many wonderful families.
We ended the evening with a skype call to Gramie and Grandpa. This was our first time skyping and boy was it fun!


  1. Uncle JD to the rescue, I will teach my niece to ride with no hands!!! But wait, did they take the bike too???

  2. LOL yes they took the bikes! When you get here tomorrow there will be nothing! But we will have fun!
